246 | Bread, Cement, Cactus

David talks to the writer Annie Zaidi, winner of the Nine Dots Prize, about her remarkable memoir of life in India and the search for identity.  It's s story of conflict, migration, belonging and the idea of home.  We also discuss what home means for Indians now the country is under lockdown and Annie tells us how life is in Mumbai.

213 | Deporting Mexicans

Gary Gerstle explores the forgotten history of Mexican deportations from the southern United States in the 1930s and asks how it fits into the longer story of US immigration policy up until today.  From open borders to 'Build That Wall': what's next?

151 | Italy vs France vs Brexit

We take the wider European view this week, catching up with the latest developments in Italy and France.  A year on from the Italian elections, who is up and who is down in the coalition between the League and Five Star?  What is China up to in Italy?  Has Macron really got his mojo back?  Plus we ask the big question: between chaos at Westminster, riots in Paris and rabble-rousing in Rome, whose democracy is in the biggest trouble?  With Lucia Rubinelli and Chris Bickerton.

101 | Populism, Migration and Merkel

 In a special live edition recorded at the Guardian's King's Place Politics Festival - David, Helen and Chris Bickerton discuss whether the migration crisis has opened up a new dividing line in European politics.  Is Viktor Orban right that Europe is now split between the countries that will accept immigrants and the countries that won't?  What does that mean for Merkel's survival prospects?  Where does Macron stand in this fight?  Plus we take questions from the audience about what populism really means and what, if anything, we can do about the current state of politics.

69 | David Miliband

This week we talk to former Foreign Secretary David Miliband about his new book Rescue: Refugees and the Political Crisis of our Time.  He explains what the refugee crisis tells us about the state of world politics and why it is both so essential and so hard to tackle it.  We also talk about climate change, Brexit, the failures of the Blair government and the fate of social democracy in the new 'age of extremes'.  David Miliband is currently Chair and CEO of the International Rescue Committee (IRC).