201 | Party like it's 1974

We talk about the current election by talking about two previous ones: the February and October general elections of 1974. A lot of 2019 politics started back then, from the rise of the SNP to Liberals getting squeezed by the electoral system. But it was different too and we have stories of campaigning by landline and hovercraft, MPs on acid, naked civil servants and experts being taken seriously. Plus we discuss how
the 1974 elections led to the rise of Thatcherism and changed British politics forever. With Helen Thompson, Chris Brooke and Peter Sloman.

169 | The Party Splits! (In 1846!)

The current crisis for the Conservatives is often described as the worst since the party split over the repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846.  So we talk to historian Boyd Hilton about what really happened back then and what it meant for British politics.  Why were the Corn Laws so divisive?  How did public opinion impact on the politicians?  Did Peel betray his party or did he do what needed to be done?  And what are the real lessons for Brexit and for the Conservative Party today?  With Helen Thompson. 

164 | The Next PM

As Theresa May's premiership gets very close to the end, we talk about who and what might be coming next.  Can her successor re-establish the authority she has lost?  Can anyone govern in this parliament or do we need a general election?  Is the age of long-serving prime ministers also coming to an end?  Plus we discuss what lessons can be drawn from the recent election in Australia: what does it tell us about the politics of climate change?  With Helen Thompson and Chris Brooke.