111 | Talking Politics Guide to ... Nuclear Weapons
David talks to Aaron Rapport about the most destructive weapons of all and how they continue to shape international politics.
David talks to Aaron Rapport about the most destructive weapons of all and how they continue to shape international politics.
David talks to Jennifer Cobbe about whether machines can think for themselves, and what this means for politics.
David talks to Chris Brooke about the history of ideas of justice and the long-standing political battles over who gets what.
In a special live edition recorded at the Wilderness Festival, David talks to BBC Food Programme presenter Sheila Dillon and best-selling food writer Jack Monroe about austerity, Brexit and the politics of how people eat. What is gained and what is lost when politician talk about food as a matter of personal choice? Just how powerful are the big food corporations? And is it really possible for Britain to take back control of its food supply? With some lively questions from the audience.
David talks to Chris Bickerton about what technocracy means and whether we should be afraid of it.
David talks to Helen Thompson about the decade that helps explain a lot about the political world we live in today.